
Before you type a single word, make sure that you have completely filled out the checklist online for that section. Do this because:

  • Your checklist must match your narrative 100%.
  • Standards you scored as ‘NO’ need to be covered in your narrative.
  • You will want to refer to the completed checklist as you write to help organize your thoughts.

Here are some examples of checklists that you may see to be completed for the evaluation: 

checklist for website

Please remember:

  • Standards that are scored ‘N/A’ or ‘NO’ require a comment in the comment box.
  • Comments should be three to five words only and should not be capitalized or punctuated.
  • Your checklist must correspond accurately to your narrative.

After you are done completing the checklist for each section:

– Click the checkbox that shows that the section is now complete.
– Click on ‘Submit Evaluation’